By-passing the DSP (ASSIGNABLE 2)

While the (ASSIGNABLE 2) button is on, only the sound of a specified zone is output without passing through the DSP.

Common Parameter Information:

5-A Assignable Button 2 Type (Asgn2) (page E-22)

5-B Settings when Asgn2 = DSP Bypass (Dbp) (page E-23)


For more information about DSP bypass, see the flowchart under “Master Control Configuration” (page E-4).

Sending Control Changes (ASSIGNABLE 1/2)

Since control change is a MIDI message, the target of a send operation generally is an external MIDI device.* With the (ASSIGNABLE 1) button, different control change values can be specified for sending at the points the button is pressed and when it is released.

With the (ASSIGNABLE 2) button, different control change values can be specified for sending at the points the button is turned on and when it is turned off.

Common Parameter Information:

4-A Assignable Button 1 Type (Asgn1) (page E-22) 5-A Assignable Button 2 Type (Asgn2) (page E-22) 4-B, 4-C, 4-D, 5-B, 5-C, 5-D Settings when Asgn1/ Asgn2 = Control Change Number 0 to 127 (page E-23)

*You also can configure control change send for the internal sound source that corresponds to a particular zone. See the note under “4-B, 4-C, 4-D,

5-B, 5-C, 5-D Settings when Asgn1/Asgn2 = Control Change Number 0 to 127” (page E-23).

Using the Assignable Buttons

