Playing Back a MIDI File

To practice with either hand (Part Off)


To perform the procedure below, use a MIDI file that has the left-hand part recorded in Channel 3 and the right-hand part recorded in Channel 4.

1. Enter the CARD PLAYER mode and select the MIDI file you want to play.

2. Press the (PART) button.

This will display the part on/off screen (L-[ON] R-[ON]) to appear on the display.

3.Use the  (w, q) buttons to toggle the parts on and off.

w toggles the left-hand part and q toggles the right-hand part.

4.Press the (PART) button to exit the part on/off screen.

5.To start playback, press the (PLAY/STOP) button.

This starts playback of the part you turned on in step 2. You can play the part you turned off on the keyboard along with the playback.

To repeat play a specific section of a song

1. Press the (PLAY/STOP) button to start song playback.

2. When playback reaches the first beat of the section you want to select for repeat, press the (REPEAT) button.

This will cause the (REPEAT) button lamp to flash.

3.When playback reaches the last beat of the section, press the (REPEAT) button again.

The (REPEAT) button lamp will remain lit, which indicates that repeat playback is being performed. After a one-measure (four beats in the cast of a 4/4 time song) rest, the Digital Piano will start playing the section you selected. Playback of the selected section continues, with a one-measure rest before each playback.

You can use the (PLAY/STOP) button to stop and re-start playback of the section.

4.To exit repeat playback, press the (REPEAT) button again so its lamp goes out.

Using the  (w, q) buttons to switch to another song also will exit repeat playback.

To play on the keyboard along with playback

1. In the MASTER CONTROL mode, select the tones you want to use for each zone you will play on the keyboard.

See “Selecting a Tone” (page E-11) and “Layering and Splitting Tones” (page E-12).

2.Enter the CARD PLAYER mode and start MIDI file playback.

See “MIDI File Playback Operations” (page E-41).

3.Play on the keyboard along with playback.


The parts used for MIDI file playback (Song01 through Song16) are independent of the parts used for Digital Piano keyboard play (Upper1, Upper2, Lower1, Lower2). For more information, see “Sound Source Configuration” (page E-5). This means that playing on the keyboard does not interfere with proper MIDI file playback.

You can select the tones for each zone you will play on the keyboard after entering the CARD PLAYER mode. For more information, see “To select a tone for each zone in the CARD PLAYER mode” (page E-44).

