Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
CTC Circuit Configuration Example for Cisco Proprietary RPR 17-8
Configuring Cisco Proprietary RPR Characteristics and the SPR Interface on the ML-Series
Card 17-12
Assigning the ML-Series Card POS Ports to the SPR Interface 17-14
Creating the Bridge Group and Assigning the Ethernet and SPR Interfaces 17-15
Cisco Proprietary RPR Cisco IOS Configuration Example 17-16
Verifying Ethernet Connectivity Between Cisco Proprietary RPR Ethernet Access Ports 17-18
CRC threshold configuration and detection 17-18
Monitoring and Verifying Cisco Proprietary RPR 17-18
Add an ML-Series Card into a Cisco Proprietary RPR 17-19
Adding an ML-Series Card into a Cisco Proprietary RPR 17-22
Delete an ML-Series Card from a Cisco Prop rietary RPR 17-24
Deleting an ML-Series Card from a Cisco Pr oprietary RPR 17-26
Understanding Cisco Proprietary RPR Link Fault Propagation 17-28
LFP Sequence 17-29
Propagation Delays 17-30
Configuring LFP 17-30
LFP Configuration Requirements 17-31
Monitoring and Verifying LFP 17-31
Cisco Proprietary RPR Keep Alive 17-32
Configuring Cisco Proprietary RPR Keep Alive 17-32
Monitoring and Verifying Cisco Proprietary RPR Keep Alives 17-33
Cisco Proprietary RPR Shortest Path 17-34
Configuring Shortest Path and Topology Discovery 17-36
Monitoring and Verifying Topology Discovery and Shortest Path Load Balancing 17-36
Understanding Redundant Interconnect 17-37
Characteristics of RI on the ML-Series Card 17-37
RI for SW RPR Configuration Example 17-38
18 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS 18-1
Understanding EoMPLS 18-1
EoMPLS Support 18-3
EoMPLS Restrictions 18-3
EoMPLS Quality of Service 18-3
Configuring EoMPLS 18-4
EoMPLS Configuration Guidelines 18-5
VC Type 4 Configuration on PE-CLE Port 18-5
VC Type 5 Configuration on PE-CLE Port 18-6