Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Appendix A Command Reference
[no] rpr-ieee ri foreign
[no] rpr-ieee ri foreign
Use this command to control the secondary card laser states and the interface wait to restore (WTR)
timer when changing from secondary mode to primary.
Foreign mode indicates that the secondary card’s transmit laser(s) are turned off while in standby mode.
In turn, the secondary card’s partner card does not send traffic through the r ing redundant interconnect
(RI) interface. The time used to turn the lasers back up causes longer WTR during switchover to primary
If foreign mode is turned off as in the default setting or by using the no form of this command, the
secondary card’s transmit laser(s) remain turned on while in standby mode, and the RI interface ucode
is set to standby. In this case, the secondary card’s partner card continues to send traffic through the ring
RI interface, and the WTR time during switchover to primary mode is faster.
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults The default form is no rpr-ieee ri foreign.
Command Modes IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration
Usage Guidelines This command should be used if the ring is connected to a switch.
The no form of the command reduces a traffic outage if there is a switch from a secondary card to a
primary. The secondary card stays in active mode during the WTR interval; the primary card is in active
mode with the ucode set to standby during the WTR.
Examples In this example, interface is shortened to int.
router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# no rpr-ieee ri foreign
Related Commands None