Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Appendix A Command Reference
[no] pos report alarm
[no] pos report alarm
Use this command to specify which alarms/signals are logged to the console. This command has no
effect on whether alarms are reported to the TCC2/TCC2P and CTC. These conditions are soaked and
cleared per Telcordia GR-253. Use the no form of the command to disable reporting of a specific
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is to report all alarms.
Command Modes Interface configuration mode (POS only)
Usage Guidelines This value is normally configured to match the setting on the peer PTE.
Examples In this example, interface is shortened to int.
Gateway(config)# int pos0
Gateway(config-if)# pos report all
Related Commands pos trigger defects
Parameter Description
alarm The SONET/SDH alarm that is logged to the console. The alarms are as
all—All link down alarm failures
ber_sd_b3—PBIP BER in excess of signal degrade (SD) threshold failure
ber_sf_b3—PBIP BER in excess of signal fail (SF) threshold failure
encap—Path signal label encapsulation mismatch failure
pais—Path alarm indication signal failure
plop—Path loss of pointer failure
ppdi—Path payload defect indication failure
pplm—Payload label mismatch path
prdi—Path remote defect indication failure
ptim—Path trace indicator mismatch failure
puneq—Path label equivalent to zero failure