Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 9 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q Tunneling and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling
Understanding VLAN-Transparent and VLAN-Specific Services
interface POS0.2
encapsulation dot1Q 40
bridge-group 40
Example 9-2 Router B Configuration
bridge 30 protocol ieee
bridge 40 protocol ieee
interface FastEthernet0
no ip routing
no ip address
mode dot1q-tunnel
bridge-group 30
interface FastEthernet1
no ip address
mode dot1q-tunnel
bridge-group 40
interface POS0
no ip address
crc 32
pos flag c2 1
interface POS0.1
encapsulation dot1Q 30
bridge-group 30
interface POS0.2
encapsulation dot1Q 40
bridge-group 40
Understanding VLAN-Transparent and VLAN-Specific Services
The ML-Series card supports combining VLAN-transparent services and one or mo re VLAN-specific
services on the same port. All of these VLAN-transparent and VLAN-specific services can be
point-to-point or multipoint-to-multipoint.
This allows a service provider to combine a VLAN-transparent service, such as IEEE 802.1Q tunneling
(QinQ), with VLAN-specific services, such as bridging specific VLANs, on the same customer port. For
example, one customer VLAN can connect to Inte rnet access and the other customer VLANs can b e
tunneled over a single provider VLAN to another customer site, a ll over a single port at each site.
Table 9-1 outlines the differences between VLAN-transparent and VLAN-specific services .
Table 9-1 VLAN-Transparent Service Versus VLAN-Specific Services
VLAN-Transparent Services VLAN-Specific Services
Bridging only Bridging or routing
One service per port Up to 254 VLAN-specific services per port
Applies indiscriminately to all VLANs on the
physical interface
Applies only to specified VLANs