Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
About this Guide
The ML-Series card employs the Cisco IOS Modular QoS CLI (MQC). For more information on general
MQC configuration, refer to the following Cisco IOS documents:
Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Configuration Guide, Release 12.2
Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference, Release 12.2
The ML-Series card employs Cisco IOS 12.2. For more general information on Cisc o IOS 12.2, refer to
the extensive Cisco IOS documentation at:
Document Conventions
This publication uses the following conventions:
Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the
Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, the user might do something that could result in equipment
damage or loss of data.
Convention Application
boldface Commands and keywords in body text.
italic Command input that is supplied by the user.
[ ] Keywords or arguments that appear within square brackets are optional.
{ x | x | x } A choice of keywords (represented by x) appears in braces separated by
vertical bars. The user must select one.
Ctrl The control key. For example, where Ctrl + D is written, hold down the
Control key while pressing the D key.
screen font Examples of information displayed on the screen.
boldface screen font Examples of information that the user must enter.
< > Command parameters that must be replaced by module-specific co des.