Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Appendix A Command Reference
spr station-id station-id-number
spr station-id station-id-number
Use this command to configure a station ID.
Syntax Description
Defaults N/A
Command Modes SPR interface configuration
Usage Guidelines The different ML-Series cards attached to the RPR all have the same interface type and number, spr1.
The station ID helps to differentiate the SPR interfaces.
Examples The following example sets an ML-Series card SPR station ID to 100:
Router(config)# interface spr 1
Router(config-if)# spr station-id 100
Related Commands interface spr 1
spr wrap
Parameter Description
station-id-number The user must configure a different number for each SPR interface that
attaches to the Cisco proprietary RPR. Valid station ID numbers range
from 1 to 254.