Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 13 Configuring VRF Lite
Configuring VRF Lite
Configuring VRF Lite
Perform the following procedure to configure VRF Lite:
Example 13-1 shows an example of configuring a VRF. In the example, the VRF name is customer_a,
the route-distinguisher is 1:1, and the interface type is Fast Ethernet, number 0.1.
Example 13-1 Configuring a VRF
Router(config)# ip vrf customer_a
Router(config-vrf)# rd 1:1
Router(config-vrf)# route-target both 1:1
Router(config)# interface fastEthernet 0.1
Router(config-subif)# ip vrf forwarding customer_a
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)#
ip vrf vrf-name
Enters VRF configuration mode and assigns a VRF
Step 2 Router(config-vrf)#
Creates a VPN route distinguisher (RD). An RD
creates routing and forwarding tables and specifies
the default route distinguisher for a VPN. The RD is
added to the beginning of the customer's IPv4
prefixes to change them into globally unique
VPN-IPv4 prefixes.
Either RD is an ASN-relative RD, in which case it is
composed of an autonomous system number and an
arbitrary number, or it is an IP-address-relative RD,
in which case it is composed of an IP address and an
arbitrary number.
You can enter a
in either of
these formats:
16-bit AS number: your 32-bit number
For example, 101:3.
32-bit IP address: your 16-bit number
For example,
Step 3 Router(config-vrf)# route-target {import
| export | both}
Creates a list of import and/or export route target
communities for the specified VRF.
Step 4 Router(config-vrf)# import map
(Optional) Associates the specified route map with
the VRF.
Step 5 Router(config-vrf)# exit Exits the current configuration mode and enters
global configuration mode.
Step 6 Router(config)# interface
type number
Specifies an interface and enters interface
configuration mode.
Step 7 Router(config-vrf)# ip vrf forwarding
Associates a VRF with an interface or subinterface.
Step 8 Router(config-if)# end Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 9 Router# copy running-config
(Optional) Saves configuration changes to NVRAM.