Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 17 Configuring Cisco Proprietary Resilient Packet Ring
RI for SW RPR Configuration Example
Provides card-level redundancy when connected to a switch running EtherChannel
Caution When connecting to a switch running EtherChannel, you mu st configure spr ri foreign on the primary
and secondary ML-Series cards.
Caution SW RPR RI requires communication over the topology between the ML-Series cards. Traffic loss can
occur if there is not enough communication and more than one span is down on a ring, for any reason.
Caution If the primary ML-Series card goes to standby because the interconnect interface goes down, then the
ring interface is placed admininistratively down (admin down). This action si gnals the secondary
ML-Series card to go to active. At this time, if the user configures a no shutdown on the primary
ML-Series card ring interface, the ring interface com es up. This will signal the secondary ML-Series
card to go to standby, which causes traffic loss. This occurs with all ML-Series card microcodes and with
both RPR-IEEE and Cisco proprietary RPR.
Caution With Cisco proprietary RPR, a shutdown of the SPR interface puts ML1000-2 cards in passthrough
mode. This allows the card to participate in RI. ML1000-2 cards are the only ML-Series cards eligible
for RI. Other ML-Series cards fail to enter passthrough mode, when th e SPR interface is shutdown.
RI for SW RPR Configuration Example
Excerpts of sample Cisco IOS code for an SW RPR RI for ML-Se ries-card-only connections are
provided in Example 17-10 and Example 17-11. Excerpts of sample Cisco IOS code for an RPR RI
where the primary and secondary ML-Series cards are connected to a foreign switch, any switch that is
not an ML-Series card, are provided in Example 17-12 and Example 17-3. Excerpts of sample Cisco IOS
code to see the status of RI in SW RPR mode is provided in Example 17-14
Example 17-10Primary ML-Series Card Configuration
interface spr1
no ip address
spr topology discovery
spr ri mode primary peer 1
no shutdown
Example 17-11Secondary ML-Series Card Configuration
interface spr1
no ip address
spr topology discovery
spr ri mode secondary peer 1
no shutdown
Example 17-12Primary ML-Series Card Configuration with Connection to Switch
interface spr1
no ip address
spr topology discovery