Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 6 Configuring Bridges
Monitoring and Verifying Basic Bridging
Example 6-3 shows an example of the monitoring and verifying bridging.
Example 6-3 Monitoring and Verifying Bridging
ML-Series# show bridge
Total of 300 station blocks, 298 free
Codes: P - permanent, S - self
Bridge Group 1:
Maximum dynamic entries allowed: 1000
Current dynamic entry count: 2
Address Action Interface
0000.0001.6000 forward FastEthernet0
0000.0001.6100 forward POS0
ML-Series# show bridge verbose
Total of 300 station blocks, 298 free
Codes: P - permanent, S - self
Maximum dynamic entries allowed: 1000
Current dynamic entry count: 2
BG Hash Address Action Interface VC Age RX count TX co
1 60/0 0000.0001.6000 forward FastEthernet0 -
1 61/0 0000.0001.6100 forward POS0 -
Flood ports
ML-Series# show spanning-tree brief
Bridge group 1
Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
Root ID Priority 32769
Address 0005.9a39.6634
This bridge is the root
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router# clear bridge
Removes any learned entries from the forwarding database of a
particular bridge group, clears the transmit, and receives counts
for any statically configured forwarding entries.
Step 2 Router# show bridge
Displays classes of entries in the bridge forwarding database.
Step 3 Router# show bridge verbose Displays detailed information about configured bridge groups.
Step 4 ML_Series# show spanning-tree
Displays detailed information about spanning tree.
bridge-group-number restricts the spanning tree information to
specific bridge groups.
brief displays summary information about spanning t ree.