
Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 6 Configuring Bridges
Monitoring and Verifying Basic Bridging
Figure 6-1 Bridging Example
Example 6-1 Router A Configuration
bridge 1 protocol ieee
interface FastEthernet0
no ip address
bridge-group 1
interface POS0
no ip address
crc 32
bridge-group 1
pos flag c2 1
Example 6-2 Router B Configuration
bridge 1 protocol ieee
interface FastEthernet0
no ip address
bridge-group 1
interface POS0
no ip address
crc 32
bridge-group 1
pos flag c2 1
Monitoring and Verifying Basic Bridging

After you have set up the ML-Series card for bridging, you can monitor and verify its operation by

performing the following procedure in privileged EXEC mode:

ONS 15454
with ML100T-12
ONS 15454
with ML100T-12
fast ethernet 0
pos 0pos 0
fast ethernet 0

ML_Series_A ML_Series_B