Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Appendix A Command Reference
interface spr 1
interface spr 1
Use this command to create a shared packet ring (SPR) interface on an ML-Series card for a resilient
packet ring (RPR) in Cisco proprietary RPR mode. If the interface has already been created, this
command enters spr interface configuration mode. The only valid spr interface number is 1.
Defaults N/A
Command Modes Global configuration
Usage Guidelines The command allows the user to create a virtual interface for the Cisco proprietary RPR/SPR.
Commands such as spr wrap or spr station-id can then be applied to the proprietary RPR through SPR
configuration command mode.
In this command, interface can be shortened to int.
Examples The following example creates the shared packet ring interface:
Router(config)# interface spr 1
Related Commands spr-intf-id
spr station-id
spr wrap