Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 21 Configuring RMON
Manually Checking CRC Errors on the ML-Series Card
The slot and port are combined to form the ifIndex using the following formula:
ifIndex = (slot * 10000h) + (port)
10000h is the hexadecimal equivalent number of 65536. The resulting ifIndex is a m eaningful two-part
number in hexadecimal, but seems confusing and arbitrary in decimal . For example, ifIndex E0002h is
Slot 14, Port 2. This same number in decimal notation is 917506. The rmon alarm command requires
the ifindex number in decimal form.
As an additional reference for calculating the correct ifindex value to use with the rmon alarm
command, Tabl e 21-1 lists the base ifindex number for Slots 1 to 17. The desired port number can be
added to the slot base number to quickly determine the correct ifIndex number.
Manually Checking CRC Errors on the ML-Series Card
Users can also check the current count of ML-Series card CRC errors on an interface by using the
show interface command. The example shows six total input errors, which are all CRC errors, in the last
line of the output.
FE 7 = Port 7 FE 7 = Port 7
FE 8 = Port 8
FE 9 = Port 9
FE 10 = Port
FE 11 = Po rt 11
Table 21-1 Port Numbers for the Interfaces of ML-Series Cards
Interfaces ML100T-12 POS
Interfaces ML100X-8 POS
Interfaces ML1000-2 POS
Table 21-2 Port Numbers for the Interfaces of ML-Series Cards
Slot Number for the
ML-Series Card Base ifIndex Number in
Hexidecimal Format Base ifIndex Number in
Decimal Format
1 10000h 65536
2 20000h 131072
3 30000h 196608
4 40000h 262144
5 50000h 327680
6 60000h 393216
12 C0000h 786432
13 D0000h 851968
14 E0000h 917504
15 F0000h 983040
16 100000h 1048576
17 110000h 1114112