Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 24 CE-100T-8 Ethernet Operation
Available Circuit Sizes and Combinations
The number of available circuits and total combined bandwidth for the CE-100T-8 depends on the
combination of circuit sizes configured. Tab le 24-7 shows the CCAT high-order circuit size
combinations available for the CE-100T-8 on the ONS 15454.
Table 24-8 shows the CCAT high-order circuit size combinations available for the CE-100T-8 on the
ONS 15454 SDH.
Table 24-9 shows the VCAT high-order circuit size combinations available for the CE-100T-8 on the
ONS 15454.
Table 24-6 SDH Circuit Sizes and Ethernet Services
Ethernet Wire Speed CCAT VC-3 VCAT VC-12 VCAT
Line Rate 100BASE-T VC-4 VC-3-3v, VC-3-2v1
1. VC-3-2v provides a total transport capacity of 98 Mbps.
VC-12-xv (x=50-63)
Sub Rate 100BASE-T VC-3 VC-3-1v VC-12-xv (x=1-49)
Line Rate 10BBASE-T VC-3 VC-3-1v VC-12-5v
Sub Rate 10BASE-T Not applicable Not applicable VC-12-xv (x=1-4)
Table 24-7 CCAT High-Order Circuit Size Combinations for SONET
Number of STS-3c Circuits Maximum Number of STS-1 Circuits
None 8
1 7
2 6
3 3
Table 24-8 CCAT High-Order Circuit Size Combinations for SDH
Number of VC-4 Circuits Maximum Number of VC-3 Circuits
None 8
1 7
2 6
3 3
Table 24-9 VCAT High-Order Circuit Combinations for STS-1-3v and STS-1-2v SONET
Number of STS-1-3v Circuits Maximum Number of STS -1-2v Circuits
None 4
1 3
2 2