Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Appendix A Command Reference
[no] rpr-ieee shutdown {east | west}
[no] rpr-ieee shutdown {east | west}
This command is similar to a rpr-ieee protection request forced-switch {east | west} command on the
span. This command is essentially no different in function; it is an easier way to do the same thing.
Syntax Description
Defaults Default is no shutdown.
Command Modes IEEE 802.17b based RPR interface configuration
Usage Guidelines Functionally, there is no difference between this command and the protection request commands.
In this command, shutdown can be shortened to shut.
Note This command cannot be cleared by transitioning the span state from OOS,DSBLD (Locked,disabled)
to IS/IS,AINS/OOS,MT (Unlocked,enabled,automaticInService or Locked,maintenance).
Examples In this example, interface is shortened to int.
Router(config)# int rpr-ieee 0
Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee shut east
Related Commands None
Parameter Description
east Specifies a shutdown on the east span of the interface.
west Specifies a shutdown on the west span of the interface.