Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 3 Initial Configuration
Cisco IOS Command Modes
Cisco IOS Command Modes
The Cisco IOS user interface has several different modes. The commands available to you depend o n
which mode you are in. To get a list of the commands available in a given mode, type a question mark
(?) at the system prompt.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)#
{base | enhanced
| fail system-reload | mpls | spr}
Configures the ML-Series card with the selected
microcode image:
base—(Default) Enables base features only. Base
features include Multicast routing and IP
enhanced—Enables ERMS, enhanced packet
statistics, and enhanced DRPRI. Disables
multicast routing and IP fragmentation.
fail system-reloadThis command and feature
are specific to ML-Series card. In the event of a
microcode failure, it configures the ML-Series
card to save information to the flash memory and
then reboot. The information is saved for use by
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (Cisco
TAC) . To contact TAC, see the “Obtaining
Documentation and Submitting a Service
Request” section on page xxxvii.
mpls—Enables MPLS. Disables IP multicast, IP
fragmentation, and ERMS support.
spr—Enables SPR encapsulation, Enhanced
Packet Statistics, DRPRI, and Keepalives.
Disables Multicast routing or IP Fragmentation.
Step 2 Router(config)# exit Exits global configuration mode.
Step 3 Router# copy running-config startup-config Saves the configuration changes to Flash memory.
The running configuration file configured with the
new microcode image choice must be saved as a
startup configuration file for the ML-Series card to
reboot with the new microcode image choice.
Step 4 Router# reload Resets the ML-Series card and loads the new
microcode image.
Caution Resetting the ML-Series card causes a
loss of traffic and closes any Telnet
sessions to the card.
Step 5 Router# show microcode Shows the microcode image currently loaded and
the microcode image that loads when the
ML-Series card resets.