Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 3 Initial Configuration
Multiple Microcode Images
Note A standard ONS 15454 SONET/SDH database restore reinstalls the Cisco IOS startup config file
on the TCC2/TCC2P, but does not implement the Cisco IOS startup config on the ML-Series.
See the “Database Restore of the Startup Configuration File” section on page 3-11 for additional

Database Restore of the Startup Configuration File

The ONS 15454 SONET/SDH includes a database restoration feature. Restoring the database will
reconfigure a node and the installed line cards to the saved provisioning, except for the ML-Series card .
The ML-Series card does not automatically restore the startup configuration file saved in the
TCC2/TCC2P database.
A user can load the saved startup configuration file onto the ML-Series card in two ways. He can revert
completely to the saved startup configuration and lose any additional provisioning in the unsaved
running configuration, which is a restoration scheme similar to ot her ONS cards, or he can install the
saved startup configuration file on top of the current running configuration, which i s a merging
restoration scheme used by many Cisco Catalyst devices.
To revert completely to the startup configuration file saved in the restored database, the user needs to
reset the ML-Series card. Right-click the ML-Series card in CT C and choose Reset or use the Cisco IOS
CLI reload command to reset the ML-Series card.
Caution Resetting the ONS 15454 ML-Series card causes a loss of traffic and closes any Telnet
sessions to the card.
To merge the saved startup configuration file with the running configuration, use the Cisco IOS CLI copy
startup-config running-config command. This restoration scheme should only be used by experienced
users with an understanding of the current running configuration and the Cisco IOS copy command. The
copy startup-config running-config command will not reset the ML-Series card. The user also needs
to use the Cisco IOS CLI copy running-config startup-config command to save the new merged
running configuration to the startup configuration file.
Multiple Microcode Images
The primary packet processing and forwarding on the ML-Series card is done by the network processor,
which is controlled by microcode. This microcode is a set of instructions (software) loaded into the
network processor and executed at high speed. The network processor has limited microcode storage
Some of the ML-Series card features require significant amounts of microcode, and this additiona l
microcode exceeds the storage capacity of the network processor. These features are added as new
microcode images (separate microcode programs). The network processor can only hold one microcode
image at a time, and changing the loaded microcode image requires resetting the network processor.
The user can choose from several microcode images for the ML-Series card. Ta ble 3-2 compares t he
features available with the different microcode images.