Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 11 Configuring Networking Protocols
Monitoring and Verifying IP Multicast Operation
Monitoring and Verifying IP Multicast Operation
After IP multicast routing is configured, you can monitor and verify its operation by performing the
commands listed in Tabl e 11-10, from privileged EXEC mode.
Table 11-10 IP Multicast Routing Show Commands
Command Purpose
Router# show ip mroute Shows the complete multicast routing table and the combined
statistics of packets processed.
Router# show ip pim neighbor When used in EXEC mode, lists the PIM neighbors
discovered by the Cisc o IOS software.
Router# show ip pim interface Displays information about interfaces configured for PIM.
Router# show ip pim rp When used in EXEC mode, displays the active rendezvous
points (RPs) that are cached with associated multicast routing