
Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 10 Configuring Link Aggregation
Configuring POS Channel
bridge-group 1
hold-queue 150 in
interface FastEthernet 0
no ip address
channel-group 1
interface FastEthernet 1
no ip address
channel-group 1
interface POS 0
no ip routing
no ip address
crc 32
bridge-group 1
pos flag c2 1

Example 10-2 Switch B Configuration

hostname Switch B
bridge 1 protocol ieee
interface Port-channel 1
no ip routing
no ip address
bridge-group 1
hold-queue 150 in
interface FastEthernet 0
no ip address
channel-group 1
interface FastEthernet 1
no ip address
channel-group 1
interface POS 0
no ip address
crc 32
bridge-group 1
pos flag c2 1
Configuring POS Channel

You can configure a POS channel by creating a POS channel interface (port channel) and optionally

assigning an IP address. All POS interfaces that are members of a POS channel should have the same

port properties and be on the same ML-Series card.

Note POS channel is only supported with LEX encapsulation.