Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 18 Configuring Ethernet over MPLS
Setting the Priority of Packets with the EXP

Setting the Priority of Packets with the EXP

Ethernet over MPLS provides QoS using the three EXP bits in a label to determine the priority of
packets. To support QoS between ML-Series card point-to-point endpoints, set the experimental bits in
both the VC and tunnel labels.
Perform the following steps to set the experimental bits:
EoMPLS Configuration Example
Figure 18-2 illustrates the sample network that the configuration commands reference. Examples 18-1,
18-2, 18-3, and 18-4 list relevant portions of the configuration files for enabling EoMPLS on ML-Series
cards in a sample network.
Step 6 Router(config-if)# bridge-group
Assigns the network interface to a bridge group.
Step 7 Router(config-if)# end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 8 Router# copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# class-map
Specifies the user-defined name of the traffic class.
Step 2 Router(config-cmap)# match
Specifies that all packets will be matched.
Step 3 Router(config-cmap)#end Returns to global configuration mode.
Step 4 Router(config)# policy-map
Specifies the name of the traffic policy to configure.
Step 5 Router(config-pmap)# class
Specifies the name of a predefined traffic class, which was
configured with the class-map command, used to classify traffic
to the traffic policy.
Step 6 Router (config-pmap-c)# set
mpls experimental imposition
Designates the value to which the MPLS bits are set if the packets
match the specified policy map.
Step 7 Router(config)# interface
interface FastEthernet
Enters interface configuration mode.
Step 8 Router(config-if)#
service-policy input
Attaches a traffic policy to an interface.