Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 19 Configuring Security for the ML-Series Card
Configuring RADIUS Relay Mode

Configuring RADIUS Relay Mode

This feature is turned on with CTC or TL1. To enable RADIUS Relay Mode through CTC, go to the
card-level view of the ML-Series card, check the Enable RADIUS Relay box and click Apply. The user
must be logged in at the Superuser level to complete this task.
To enable it using TL1, refer to the Cisco ONS SONET TL1 Command Guide.
Caution Switching the ML-Series card into RADIUS relay mode erases any configuration in the Cisco IOS
configuration file related to AAA/RADIUS. The cleared AAA/RADIUS configuration is not restored to
the Cisco IOS configuration file when the ML-Series card is put back into stand alone mode.
Caution Do not use the Cisco IOS command copy running-config startup-config while the ML-Series card is
in relay mode. This command will save a Cisco IOS configuration file with RADIUS relay enabled.
On a reboot, the ML-Series card would come up in RADIUS relay mode, even when the Enable
RADIUS Relay box on the CTC is not checked. If this situation arises, the user should check the
Enable RADIUS Relay box and click Apply and then uncheck the Enable RADIUS Relay box and
click Apply. Doing this will set the ML-Series card in stand alone mode and clear RADIUS relay from
the ML-Series card configuration.
RADIUS Stand Alone Mode
In stand alone mode, RADIUS on the ML-Series card is configured with the Cisco IOS CLI in the same
general manner as RADIUS on a Cisco Catalyst switch.
This section describes how to enable and configure RADIUS in the stand a lone mode on the ML-Series
card. RADIUS in stand alone mode is facilitated through AAA and enabled through AAA commands.
Note For the remainder of the chapter, RADIUS refers to the Cisco IOS RADIUS available when the
ML-Series card is in stand alone mode. It does not refer to RADIUS relay mode.
Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this section, see the Cisco IOS
Security Command Reference, Release 12.2.
These sections contain this configuration information:
Understanding RADIUS, page 19-8
RADIUS Stand Alone Mode, page 19-7
Configuring RADIUS, page 19-8
Displaying the RADIUS Configuration, page 19-20