Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 25 CE-1000-4 Ethernet Operation
Statistics and Counters

Statistics and Counters

The CE-1000-4 has a full range of Ethernet and POS statistics information under the Performance >
Ether Ports tabs or the Performance > POS Ports tabs.
CE-1000-4 SONET/SDH Circuits and Features
The CE-1000-4 card has four POS ports, numbered one through four, which can be manage d with CTC
or TL1. Each POS port is statistically mapped to a matching Ethernet por t. The CE-1000-4 card provides
a total bandwidth of STS-48c in any compatible slot within an ONS 15454 or a total bandwidth of
STM-16 in any compatible slot within an ONS 15454 SDH.
At the POS port level, you can configure several characteristics:
Port name
Administrative state
Automatic in-service (AINS) soak time
Framing type
Encapsulation CRC
Note Encapsulation CRC can only be turned on and off (CRC or no CRC), when the fram ing type is configured
for GFP. When the framing type is set to HDLC, CRC is always on.
Click the card-level Provisioning > POS Ports tabs to configure the Administrative State, Framing Type,
and Encapsulation Type. Click the card-level Performance > POS Ports tab to view the statistics,
utilization, and history for the POS ports.
For specific circuit sizes and compatible card slots for the CE-1000-4 card, refer to the “Ethernet Cards”
chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual or the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH Reference Manual.

CE-1000-4 VCAT Characteristics

The CE-1000-4 card supports the software link capacity adjustm ent scheme (SW-LCAS). This makes
the CE-1000-4 card compatible with the ONS 15454 SONET/SDH ML-Series cards, which also suppo rts
SW-LCAS. The CE-1000-4 card does not support standard LCAS, which is hardware- based. The
CE-1000-4 also operates with no SW-LCAS enabled. In this mode, it is compatible with the ONS 15454
SONET/SDH’s G-Series card, CE-100T-8 card, and ML-Series card, when the ML-Series card is not
configured with SW-LCAS. For more information on Ethernet card compatibility, see Chapter 20, “POS
on ONS Ethernet Cards.”
To enable end-to-end connectivity in a VCAT circuit that traverses through a third-party network, you
must create a server trail between the ports. For more details, refer to the "Create Circuits and VT
Tunnels" chapter in the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide.
The CE-1000-4 card supports flexible VCAT groups (VCGs) and fixed (pure or non-flexible) VCGs.
Flexible VCG corresponds to SW-LCAS, fixed VCG corresponds to no LCAS. With flexible VCGs, the
CE-1000-4 can perform these operations:
Add or remove members from groups
Put members into or out of service, which also adds/removes them from the group