Ethernet Card Software Feature and Configuration Guide, R7.2
January 2009
Chapter 26 Configuring IEEE 802.17b Resilient Packet Ring
Configuring BER Threshold Values
To configure the reporting of SONET/SDH alarms on the Cisco IOS CLI, perform the fol lowing
procedure, beginning in global configuration mode:

Configuring BER Threshold Values

To configure BER threshold values for various alarms on an RPR-IEEE interface, refer to the
“DLP-A533 Create Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds” task in the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide
or to the “DLP-D441 Create Ethernet RMON Alarm Thresholds” task in the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH
Procedure Guide.
Configuring RPR-IEEE Protection
RPR-IEEE has three protection states:
Closed—This is the normal steady state. Data traffic is traveling around the RPR -IEEE on both
Ringlet 0 and Ringlet 1. Figure 26-1 on page 26-3 illustrates this state.
Open—This is the state after a protection event. A protection event, such as a fiber cut or node
failure, triggers a change in the ring topology. Each node responds to the new topology by steering.
Steering forwards data traffic so that it avoids the failure. Based on the type of failure, it will avoid
either a specific span or a node and its two adjoining spans. Figure 26-5 illustrates this state.
Passthrough—This is the initial state of the RPR-IEEE node. It does not participate in the topology
and blindly forwards frames.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface rpr-ieee 0 Activates interface configuration mode to
configure the RPR-IEEE interface.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# rpr-ieee report {all |
encap | pais | plop | ppdi | pplm | prdi
ptim | puneq | sd-ber-b3 | sf-ber-b3} [east
| west]
Enables reporting of specific SONET/SDH alarms
on the Cisco IOS CLI. The default is to report all
alarms on both the east and west ringlet.
(Optional) You can also specify the east or west
Step 3 Router(config)# no shut Enables the RPR-IEEE interface and changes the
mode from the default passthrough.
Step 4 Router(config)# end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 Router# copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Saves configuration changes to the
TCC2/TCC2P flash database.