Chapter 4 Modifying IPM Components
Setting the DISPLAY Variable in Solaris
The data collection server’s timeout value is defined in the following line in the file:
DataCollectionServer R MessageLogServer,SNMPServer
The configuration server’s timeout value is defined in the following line in the file:
ConfigServer R MessageLogServer,SNMPServer,DataCollectionServer C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\Server\bin\CWB_ipmConfigServerd
Step 2 To change the timeout definition for one or both servers, change the number 120 at the end of the appropriate line. For example, to change the timeout value for configuration servers to 240 seconds:
ConfigServer R MessageLogServer,SNMPServer,DataCollectionServer C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\Server\bin\CWB_ipmConfigServerd
Step 3 Save your changes and close the file.
Step 4 Log in as the administrator.
Step 5 Restart the IPM servers by entering:
cd c:\Program Files\Internetwork Performance Monitor\server\bin ipm restart
When the IPM servers start up, they use the new timeout value.
Setting the DISPLAY Variable in Solaris
The DISPLAY variable is set as part of your login environment on Solaris. However, if you Telnet into a remote workstation, you must set the DISPLAY variable to local display. To do so, enter:
setenv DISPLAY local_ws:0.0
where local_ws is your local workstation.
If your shell does not support the setenv command, use:
export DISPLAY=local_ws:0.0
If you Telnet into a remote workstation and you do not set the DISPLAY variable to local display, you cannot use:
•ipm control -rt
•ipm debug
•ipm pmstatus
•ipm start client
| User Guide for Internetwork Performance Monitor |