32L. Adding an “ACTION” Prompt to a Recipe
The Action prompt reminds the Operator to take the needed manual action such a s stirring,
turning, or basting, between steps in a cooking program.
Add the Action prompt to the program step that follows the needed manua l steps.
12. Press the Edit ke y. Various options appear in the display.
13. Select “new recipe.”
14. Press the Edit ke y
15. Write the step BEFORE t he “Action” prompt is needed.
16. Within the step AFTER th e Action prompt is needed.
17. Enter the Action prom pt as follows:
18. Press the Smart Key.
19. Select “Action” with the se lector dial.
20. Press the Smart Key.
21. Confirm “Yes” if needed.
22. Press the Smart Key.
23. Finish writing the recipe and save it as normal.
24. When the “Action…” prom pt appears and the signal tone sounds, open the oven door and take
the required action.
25. Close the door. The reci pe will continue running as normal.