■Fabric − Current Topology. This value is either fabric or loop. It indicates the mode in which the HBA is operating currently, during this WWIDMGR session. The current mode in which the HBA is running is not altered during a WWIDMGR session.
■Fabric − Next Topology. This value can be fabric, loop, or unavail. It indicates the topology setting that is in the HBA’s NVRAM. An unavail setting indicates the NVRAM is not formatted, a condition corrected by a – SET ADAPTER command. A setting of fabric or loop indicates how the HBA is configured the next time the system is initialized.
where itemno is the bracketed value from the – SHOW ADAPTER command. In Figure
Item | adapter | WWN | Cur. Topo | Next Topo |
[0] | kgpsaa0. | fabric | fabric | |
[1] | kgpsab0. | fabric | fabric | |
[9999] All of the above |
| |
| |||
| ||
Item | adapter | WWN | Cur. Topo | Next Topo |
[0] | kgpsaa0. | fabric | loop | |
[1] | kgpsab0. | fabric | loop |
[9999] All of the above. LP00>>>init