A connector on the rear of the computer interfaces with either expansion base to provide additional functionality. The expansion base replicates the following computer connectors:

o Serial connector

o Parallel connector

o External monitor connector

oPS/2-compatible mouse connector

o Power connector

o External keyboard connector

o All audio connectors except mono microphone jack

Additional MultiBay Expansion Base and MultiBay ISA details are presented in Section 1.5.

Power Board

The power board is a DC-to-DC converter that provides the required voltages of +3.3 and +5 volts from one of the power sources (main battery pack, AC Adapter, or Automobile Adapter).

The power board is provided as a field replaceable unit. To remove and replace the power board, you must first remove the CPU cover, keyboard, and processor board. The power board connects to the system board with two connectors and is secured in place with one screw.


The keyboard is available as an assembly consisting of the following parts:

o Keyboard

o Keyboard bezel

o Battery release

o MultiBay device release

o EasyPoint II controller

The battery release, MultiBay device release, and EasyPoint II controller are also available as replaceable units.

To remove the keyboard assembly, the CPU cover must be removed first. The keyboard ribbon cable (ZIF connector) and EasyPoint II controller cable must be disconnected. Three screws on the bottom on the system unit and four screws across the front (inside of the MultiBay and dedicated battery compartment) must then be removed to release the keyboard.