board to verify they are evenly spaced and that they are not bent or broken.
Computer is beeping | Battery charge is low. | Immediately save any open | |
and battery light |
| file(s). Then | do any one |
is blinking. |
| of the following: | |
| o Connect the | computer to |
| an external | power |
| source to charge the | |
| battery pack. | |
| o Initiate Standby and | |
| replace the | battery |
| pack with a | fully |
| charged battery pack. | |
| o Turn the computer off | |
| or initiate | Hibernation |
| until you can find | |
| another power source or | |
| charge the battery | |
| pack. |
Computer battery | Low battery beeps | Run Computer Setup to |
light blinks to | were turned off. | turn on the low battery |
indicate low battery |
| warning beeps. |
condition, but |
computer does not |
beep. |
| Volume is turned off or | Press Fn+F5 to turn the |
| turned down too low. | speaker on and then |
| adjust the volume. |
ProblemProbable CauseSolution(s)
Battery light | Battery pack | is already | No action is necessary. |
doesn't light and | charged. |
battery pack won't |
fast charge. |
| Battery pack | was exposed | Allow time for the |
| to temperature extremes. | battery pack to return to | |
| room temperature. |
| Battery pack | is at end | Replace battery pack. |
| of its life. |
While | the computer | The battery pack was not | Next time, initiate | ||
is in | Standby | replaced within 10 | Standby, then remove the | ||
(Suspend), computer | minutes. The | battery | battery pack and replace | ||
turns | off | pack must | be | replaced | it within 10 minutes. |
| within 10 | minutes to |
| |
| prevent loss | of |
| |
| information. |
| |
| Auxiliary | battery charge | Provide power (AC or |