9 | LTE | 5000, 5100 | 75 Mhz, 90 Mhz and 5200 |
| 120 | MHz System | Board |
9LTE 5150 100 Mhz, 5250, 5280 120 Mhz, 5300 133 MHz and 5400 150 MHz System
Board |
9 LTE 5380 133 MHz System Board242115-001
10 | Status panel assembly (for models 5000, |
| 5100, and 5200) |
10Status panel assembly (for all other
11Base assembly (See Section 3.3 for
12 Fan (includes cushions) (all models)
NOTE 1: Includes cables, clutch assemblies, and logos.
2:Includes keyboard w/integrated EasyPoint II pointing device, microphone, and eject mechanisms.
3:LTE 5100 and LTE 5200 units that shipped with the original display(serial number lower than J605xxxxxxxx) are supported by Spare Part Number
4:Replace X in part number with 1 for keyboard with normal pointing device cap, or 2 for keyboard with enhanced "fuzzy" pointing
device cap.
Chapter 3.2 Display Assembly Components