Index FunctionDescription
1 | Computer MultiBay battery | Status of | battery | pack in computer |
| light | MultiBay |
2 | Computer battery light | Status of | battery | pack in computer |
| battery compartment | ||
3 | MultiBay II battery light | Status of | battery | in MultiBay on |
| the right | side of | the expansion |
| base |
4 | MultiBay I battery light | Status of | battery | in MultiBay on |
| the left side of the expansion | ||
| base |
1.7.6 MultiBays with Ejectors
Each expansion base has two MultiBays. Each MultiBay is removable as a unit with its ejector mechanism. The MultiBay is held to the expansion base cover with three screws. The MultiBays in the expansion base accommodate the same drives that are used by the computer and can be used