m | VIRUS — A program that is designed to inconvenience | |
c o | you or to destroy data stored on your computer. A virus | |
l l . | program moves from one computer to another through an | |
. d e | ||
infected disk, software downloaded from the Internet, or | ||
r t | ||
p o | ||
embedded virus also starts. | ||
s u p | ||
A common type of virus is a boot virus, which is stored in | ||
the boot sectors of a floppy disk. If the floppy disk is left in | ||
o m | ||
the drive when the computer is shut down and then | ||
l . c | turned on, the computer is infected when it reads the | |
e l | boot sectors of the floppy disk expecting to find the | |
w. d | ||
operating system. If the computer is infected, the boot | ||
w | virus may replicate itself onto all the floppy disks that are | |
w | read or written in that computer until the virus is | |
| ||
| eradicated. | |
| V — volt — The measurement of electric potential or | |
| electromotive force. One V appears across a resistance of | |
| 1 ohm when a current of 1 ampere flows through that | |
| resistance. |
W— watt — The measurement of electrical power. One W is 1 ampere of current flowing at 1 volt.
WALLPAPER — The background pattern or picture on the Windows desktop. Change your wallpaper through the Windows Control Panel. You can also scan in your favorite picture and make it wallpaper.
XGA — extended graphics array — A video standard for video cards and controllers that supports resolutions up to 1024 x 768.
ZIF — zero insertion force — A type of socket or connector that allows a computer chip to be installed or removed with no stress applied to either the chip or its socket.
ZIP — A popular data compression format. Files that have been compressed with the Zip format are called Zip files and usually have a filename extension of.zip. A special kind of zipped file is a