File Sharing Between NFS and CIFS Users5-15
To force all CIFS file names created by CIFS to be lowercase, enter the following
options cifs.save_case off
This procedure enables you to return from forcing all file names to be stored in lower-
case to the default behavior of preserving the case of CIFS file names. You perform
this procedure when you want to return to the default behavior.
File names that were converted to lowercase are not changed.
To return to preserving the case of CIFS file names, enter the following command:
options cifs.save_case on
Although the conversion process to Unicode directory format is automatic, the initial
conversion of a directory can take a considerable amount time, especially if the direc-
tory contains a large number of files.
It is important to take these conversion times into consideration when deciding when
to convert the directories. While a directory is being converted, the filer might not be
able to perform any other file system or network operations until the conversion is
If there are portions of the directory tree that will never have CIFS access, there is no
need to convert them. However, any future CIFS access to an unconverted directory
immediately triggers its conversion.