Disk and File System Management3-19
The timetype option enables you to specify the time types that you want to list in
the age comparison.
Table 3-1 describes the valid timetype values you can use with the timetype
The sizes option enables you to specify the breakdown of sizes, using a comma to
separate each value. Default values are in bytes, but you can also use the following
three suffixes at the end of a number you specify:
K (kilobytes)
M (megabytes)
G (gigabytes)
* (a special value you use to list all unique file sizes, one line per unique size.
Using this command can result in output of several thousands of lines.)
For example, to display file sizes in four categoriesfiles with less than 500 kilobytes,
files with less than 2 megabytes, files with less than 1 gigabyte, and all other files,
enter the following command:
filestats sizes 500K,2M,1G volume vol0 snapshot hourly.1
The output looks like the following:
),/(6,=( &808/$7,9(&2817 &808/$7,9(727$/.%
.  
0  
*  
0$;  


aAccess time
mModification time
cFile change time (last size/status
cr File creation time