CIFS Administration 7-31
To set a SACL on a file, complete these steps;
1. Right-click the file you want to monitor.
Result: The Properties tab for that file appears.
2. Click the Security tab.
Result: The Security properties window appears.
3. Click the Auditing button.
Result: A blank File Auditing window appears for the file you specified.
4. Click the Add button.
Result: The Add Users and Groups window appears.
5. Click the arrow next to the List Names From text box to choose a domain that
contains names that you want to add.
Result: A list of names in the selected domain appears in the Names list box.
6. To add a name, type one or more user names in the Add Names list box or select
one or more names and click Add.
7. Specify one or more names in one of these ways:
Click one or more names in the Names list box.
Type valid user or group names in the Add Names list box.
8. Click Add in the window where you selected the names.
Result: The names are added to the Add Names field of the Add Users and
Groups window.
9. If you want, display the full name of a user associated with an account name by
clicking Show Full Name.
10. Click OK.
Result: The names appear in the Name field of the File Auditing window and the
Events to Audit check boxes are enabled.
NOTE: Execute, Delete, Change Permissions, and Take Ownership events are not
currently supported.