Disk and File System Management3-15
If the failed volume was the filers root volume, you must designate another volume
as the new root volume.


The filestats command provides you with a quick way to display a summary of file
statistics within a volume on a filer, by reading file information from a snapshot that
you specify.


The output from the filestats command provides you with a list containing the fol-
lowing information about files from a snapshot in a volume:
Creation time
Modification time


The filestats command has the following syntax:
filestats [ages ages] [sizes sizes] [timetype {a,m,c,cr}][style
{readable,table,html}]volume volume_name snapshot snapshot_name
The volume and snapshot arguments are required.
volume_name is the name of the volume.
snapshot_name is the name of the snapshot.
Use the ages, timetype, sizes, and style options when you want to list specific
file information from a volume. For more information about filestats options, see
the section filestats Command Options.


The following example shows sample output from the filestats command,
without any options:
92/ YRO61$36+27 KRXUO\
,12'(6 &2817('B,12'(6 727$/B%<7(6 
727$/B.% 