Introducing Dell Filers 1-7
Data ONTAP 5.3 manages access to data by performing the following operations:
Checks file access permissions against file access requests.
Checks write operations against file and disk usage quotas that you set.
Takes snapshots and makes them available so that users can access deleted or
overwritten files. Snapshots are read-only copies of the entire file system.
Data ONTAP 5.3 enables you to perform the following actions:
Administer network connections
Administer protocols
Dump data to tape and restore it to the filer
volume An independent file
You can specify the following features
for a volume:
A security style, which deter-
mines whether a volume can
contain files that use UNIX secu-
rity, Windows NT File System
(NTFS) security, or both type of
Whether it uses CIFS oplocks
Disk space and file limits
This enables you to customize vol-
umes for the needs of your users.
qtree A special subdirec-
tory of the root
directory of a vol-
ume. It has the
following special
A security
A CIFS oplocks
Disk space and
file limits
You can specify the following features
for a qtree:
A security style like that of
Whether it uses CIFS oplocks
Disk space and file limits
This enables you customize areas for
projects and to keep users and
projects from monopolizing