File Sharing Between NFS and CIFS Users5-25
This procedure displays what the current mapping of the specified UNIX name of a
Windows NT account would result in, but does not change the WAFL credential cache
itself. You use this procedure if a Windows NT user cannot access a file that the user
should be able to access, and you suspect that mapping problems might be part of
the problem.
To display what the current mapping of a Windows name would result in, but not
change the WAFL credential cache, enter the following command:
wcc -s
is a Wndows NT account.
You can further narrow the specification of the user by adding
-i, followed by the IP address of the host that the user is on.
You can get more detailed information by appending -v to the command line.
The following example shows the mapping of a Windows name.
wcc -s bluebottle
(NT - UNIX) account name(s): (NT-DOMAIN\bluebottle - pcuser)
UNIX uid = 65534
NT membership
NT-DOMAIN\Domain Users
User is also a member of Everyone, Network Users,
Authenticated Users