Disk and File System Management3-21


You can use the following standard Boolean expressions as arguments to the expr
option as shown in Table 3-3.
NOTE: Enclose the entire Boolean string following the expr option in quotation
marks. Attributes you use in the string must be enclosed in braces {}.


For example, if you want to restrict the filestats command output to include only
files whose size is greater than 10,000 bytes and whose UID is 5150, enter the follow-
ing command:

filestats expr “{size}>10000&&{uid}==5150” volume vol0

snapshot hourly.0



The filers SnapRestore feature enables you to revert a volume to the state it was in
when a particular snapshot was taken. Without this feature, you would need to use
one of the following methods to restore data to a volume:
Restoring files from tape
Copying files from a snapshot to the active file system
ctimeage Size/status time age
crtimeage File creation age


&& >
|| <
== >=
!= >=