Chapter 4 | S e t t i n g U p R e a l P o r t |
| The next step in the device setup process is to configure RealPort. This |
| section provides a brief introduction to RealPort. If you use the wizard, |
| follow the steps in the |
About RealPort
What is RealPort?
RealPort is a feature that allows
RealPort Advantages
RealPort provides the following advantages:
•It expands the number of ports available to the host system.
•It enables device server ports to be treated as if they were directly connected to the host, which means they use all standard operating system interfaces that control baud rate, parity, stop bits, and flow control.
•It enables host administrators to do most of the required configuration on the host, the system with which the administrator is most familiar.
•It dramatically reduces host CPU overhead because multiple terminal or printer sessions are multiplexed over the same TCP/IP connection.
Configuring the RealPort Software
You must install and configure RealPort software on each host that will use RealPort ports. See the RealPort documentation for more information.
1. From the CD, click Software. (If the wizard pops up, click cancel.)
Chapter 4 Setting Up RealPort | 35 |