Figure 2.
Figure 4.
4.Loading to unit memory: There may be more than one GPS Data
File (*.USR) on the card. To select a file, press ENT to activate the selec- tion box, use ↓ or ↑ to highlight the file, then press ENT to accept the selection. Next, press ↓ to LOAD DATAENT. The unit will display a com- pletion message when the data transfer is finished. To return to the Page view, press EXITEXITEXITEXIT.
Figure 1.
Figure 3.
These figures show the menu sequence for loading a GPS Data File
from an MMC into the unit's memory.
Cancel Navigation
You can turn off any of the navigation commands after you reach your destination or at any other time by using the Cancel Navigation com- mand. Press MENUMENU↓ to CANCEL NAVIGATIONENT← to YESENT.