EATON PowerXpert®Gateway Series 1000 Card User’s Guide S164201670 Rev 1 19
Chapter 2 Configuring the CardNOTE IfDHCP is disabled and you will be using host names for servers, such as the mail
server,Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, SNMP hosts,Modbus®/TCP hosts, or trap
recipients,enter the IP address of your network DNS Server (see “Network Configuration” on
NOTE Youmust be logged in as admin to configure the card. Once you have logged in as
admin,it is important to completely exit the browser to set the security level back to the
standardread- only level.
This section explains:
SChanging the passwords
SSetting the date and time
SConfiguring SNMP options and managing from an SNMP NMS
SConfiguring Modbus TCP/IP options
SConfiguring e-mail notification
SConfiguring the Powerware Environmental Monitoring Probe (EMP)
SConfiguring auto discovery settings