EATON PowerXpert®Gateway Series 1000 Card User’s Guide S164201670 Rev 1 61
For example, the AC Voltage between Phase A and Neutral is available
in register 4010. To read the AC Voltage in Phase A at Panel #1, set the
Modbus program to Unit ID 2 and register 4010:
IP: <IP address of PDU/RPP>
Unit ID: 2
Starting Register: 4010
Number of Registers: 2
Function Code: 04
To read the AC Voltage in Phase A at Panel #4, set the Modbus program
to Unit ID 5 and register 4010:
IP: <IP address of PDU/RPP>
Unit ID: 5
Starting Register: 4010
Number of Registers: 2
Function Code: 04
Table5. Panel Summary Registers (FC 04)
Name Register DataType Bytes
DisplayTemplate 1000 UINT 2
VendorName 1001 STRING 64
ModelName 1033 STRING 64
DisplayName 1065 STRING 64
SerialNumber 1123 STRING 64
DeviceVolts Rating 1202 UINT 4
Numberof Phases 1208 UINT 2
AssetID 1324 STRING 128
BreakerRating 1453 UINT 2
BreakerWarning 1456 UINT 2
BreakerOverload 1457 UINT 2
NeutralCurrent Alarm 1459 UINT 2
EnterAdmin State 3047 UINT 2
EnterOperating State 3048 UINT 2
EnterReadiness State 3049 UINT 2
EnterAlarm State 3050 UINT 2
EnterStandby State 3051 UINT 2