EATON PowerXpert®Gateway Series 1000 Card User’s Guide S164201670 Rev 1 3
Installing the CardThe hot-swappable PXGX Series 1000 Card can be installed without
turning off the Powerware®Power Distribution Unit (PDU) or
disconnecting the load.
To install the PXGX Series 1000 Card:
1. Verify that all six DIP switches on the card are in the off position
(see Figure 1).
Figure1. Verify DIP Switches are OFF
2. Remove the X-Slot®cover from the PDU. Retain the screws.
NOTE Ifthere is another card already installed with an attached communication cable,
disconnectthe cable and then remove the card.
3. If not already done, record the MAC address for Port 1 and Port 2,
for future reference (see “Installation Checklist” on page 1).
4. To prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD), place one hand on a metal
surface such as the PDU panel.
5. Slide the card into the open slot and secure with the screws