Some basic types of problems that can occur in the field are listed as follows:
○Unit dead, no motor movement
Measure across power terminals TB2-4 & -5 with a DVM. The reading should be 12 or 24 V dc depending upon model. Incorrect or no voltage indicates an external supply problem. If proper voltage is present, check Fuse F1 on the Termination Board. Fuse F1 should be a 1A, 250 V, 3AG type. If replacement fuses continue to blow, a short may be present at the field wiring terminals or in the PC boards.
○Output drift on Analog model
Check for open signal lead at input terminals TB1-2 & -3. Measure across terminals with a DVM and check for proper voltage range.
○Output stays constant with input change
If Guard mode is used, check for proper signal at Guard terminals TB1-5 & -5. If Guard is not used, make sure SW2-6 is in the CLOSE position.
○Severe output tracking errors on Analog model
Check setting of switches SW1 (1-5). If any are set to Pulse Increment mode, the output will not balance properly. These switches must be set OPEN for Analog models.
○Noisy or Erratic Output on Raise Lower Model
Try SW1-8 in both positions and choose the one with the lowest noise level. For Analog models, this switch must be set OPEN.
○Raise or Lower function does not work on Raise/Lower model
Check voltage at Raise or Lower terminals TB1 (1-4) with voltmeter during activation. Also check across Guard terminals TB1-5 & -6, if used. If no voltage change occurs at any given input, check for broken signal leads or a defect in the external device.
○Output pressure does not rise above certain point
A high limit may be set too low or the pressure regulator vent may be restricted. Also check for water or oil in pressure lines.
○Output pressure drops off with constant level input
Check for leaks in pressure lines or loose fittings.