
If you see a stop sign icon and the message Print queue on hold in the EPSON Monitor3 dialog box, select Start print queue from the Printer menu to release the queue and resume printing.

Printing with EPSON Drivers for Macintosh 105

You can also do the following:

Double-click a file in the list to preview it

Double-click Copies to change the number of copies to be printed

Click to check your ink levels

Click to start the print head cleaning utility. See page 132 for more information about the cleaning utility.

If you want to view details of a print job, click the job, then click the Show details arrow. The Priority list becomes active.

Priority list box

Settings selected for the highlighted print job

Click the print job whose priority you want to change. Then click the Priority list box and select one of the following settings:

Normal prints the job in the order it is received

Urgent moves the job before Normal priority jobs in the print queue

Hold holds the job in the print queue until you’re ready to release it for printing by clicking restart

Print Time opens the Set Print Time dialog box. Enter the date and time you want to print the document, then click OK.