to’access all of the Epson features such as color printing, superscripts; and subscripts.

Command-Pass-Thru is accomplished by converting the printer command sequence into a series of two digit hexadecimal values. For example, an Escape has a decimal value of 27 and a hexadecimal value of 1B. In Command-Pass- Thru, an Escape is the character ‘1’followed by the character ‘B’. To allow the coax interface to recognize the sequence, it is proceeded by a ‘delimiter sequence consisting of an ampersand (&), followed by a percent (%). Several commands may be contained within the enclosing &% pairs. Once the first &% is detected, the coax interface passes hexadecimal data to the printer until it receives the next &% or a character is received that is not in the hexadecimal range of 0 to 9 or A to F -(upper case letters only).

in addition, the user has the option of selecting a different delimiter sequence using setup command 40 (see Appendix A, command 40).


in order to highlight a passage in a document, you may wish to use an Epson printer command such as the emphasized mode. The printer command sequence for emphasized printing listed in your Epson printer’s manual is ‘ESC E’, or ‘1B 45’in hexadecimal, to begin emphasized print and ‘ESC F’, or ‘1B 46’in hexadecimal, to end emphasized print.

At the point in the document where emphasized printing is desired, the sequence &% 1 B 4 5 & % should appear. When you wish to cancel emphasized printing, insert the sequence & % 1 B 4 6 & %. If the document is viewed on a CRT terminal, these characters are displayed. During printing, however, these command sequences only start and stop emphasized mode and do not appear on the paper and do not take up any space.

NOTE: In this example, the characters are separated by spaces for clarity. The spaces between each individual character must be removed from the actual command, but single spaces between pairs of characters are permitted.


Command-Pass-Thru must begin with an &% or the alternate delimiter characters specified in Command 40.

Hexadecimal values must be used in the command. These values represent ASCII data which is understood by the Epson printer.