Another method of Transparent Data Transmission is the Xerox defined SCS TRN code 36. Generally accepted for use in laser printer applications, this method is the same as the Coax Interface
If the C82314* is connected to a PC with the parallel sharing cable, the PC must be turned on.
The coax interface card has a
The Epson printer may have large print buffers, so an actual physical break in printing may not be seen between print jobs, yet the interface pauses for the specified time period without passing data to the printer before changing to the other port. While the 3270 host is active, the parallel port accepts the first parallel byte and then goes busy. This allows the interface to know that parallel data is waiting. Conversely, while the parallel port is printing, the 3270 coax port will receive data and then send a busy signal to the host until the printer is available (the
Prior to printing a coax host document, if the previous document comes from the PC sharing port, the interface card sends the coax port initialization string to the printer and restores the printer’s format that was fast specified by the coax host when switching to coax printing (see Appendix A, Command 57). Also, before printing an initial document from the PC Share port, the interface sends the user defined shared port initialization string (see Appendix A Command 56). The alternate (PC) host must send the printer all of the necessary formatting instructions and commands for correct printing.