Overall Printing | Style |
ESC x |
| Select Near Letter Quality or Draft |
Format: | ESC |
ASCII code: |
| n | |
Decimal: | 27 | li0 | n |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 78 | n |
The following values can be used for n:
0: Selects the draft mode. | (The ASCII codes 0 and 1 or the ASCII |
1: Selects the near letter | characters “0” and “1” can be used.) |
quality (NLQ) mode. |
Overrides the SelecType setting. When NLQ is selected, the font used is either Roman, Sans Serif or
ESC k |
| Select NLQ Font |
Format: | ESC | k | n |
ASCII code: | |||
Decimal : | 27 | 107 | n |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 6B | n |
This command affects only the near letter quality typestyle, not draft.
The following values can be used for n: 0 = Roman
1 = Sans Serif
Overrides the SelecType setting.
Command Summary |