ESC! | Master Select |
ASCII code: ESC ! n
Decimal: 27 33 n
Hexadecimal: 1B 21 n
Selects any valid combination of the modes in the table below. The variable n is determined by adding together the values of the desired modes from the table.
Mode | Dt?C | Hex |
10 cpi | 0 | 00 |
12 cpi | 1 | 01 |
Proportional | 2 | 02 |
Condensed | b | 04 |
Emphasized | 8, | 08 |
16 | 10 | |
32 : | 20 | |
Italic | 64 | 40 |
Underline | 128 | 80 |
This command applies to both draft and NLQ. 10 cpi cannot be combined with 12 cpi, and proportional cannot be condensed. If both proportional and condensed are selected, proportional overrides condensed.
Print Size and Character Width
| Select 10 cpi |
Format: |
ASCII code: | ESC | P |
Decimal: | 27 | 80 |
Hexadecimal: | 1B | 50 |
Selects 10 characters per inch printing. This command is normally used to cancel 12 cpi.
Command Summary |